EMRFaxBox Installation Guide
Package Contents:
1. Pre-configured EMRFaxBox Device
2. SD memory card (already installed) – VOID WARRANTY IF REMOVED
3. Power cord
4. Ethernet cable
5. Installation Guide
6. Device Configuration sheet (with Fax number, MAC address of device, etc…)
Instructions: 5 easy steps
1. Plug EMRFaxBox device into your network switch.
2. A green light and blue light should appear on the device.
3. Send a test fax from eCW.
4. Send a test fax to your new EMRFaxBox number. ** See important note below**
5. After confirming your faxes are working, power your old fax server OFF (if applicable).
6. Call EMRFaxBox support at 855-4FAXBOX or email to support@EMRfaxbox.com
to complete installation and verify your EMRFaxBox is working properly.
Important, if you opted to PORT your fax number to
EMRFaxBox and would like to receive faxes to your new FaxBox immediately, click here for help forward your existing fax number to a temporary fax number
we’ve provided to you.
For online account access, log in here using your
admin email address and password provided during the sales process. To request access, email us and put "request portal access" in the subject line.
Thanks for choosing EMRFaxBox!!!
EMAIL: support@EMRFaxBox.com
CALL: EMRFaxBox at 855-4FAXBOX (855-432-9269)
ONLINE: www.emrfaxbox.com, click on Support / How Tos